OK friends, here are my OLD thoughts about SWEAT…. It smells. It ruins your hair. It makes you break out. It puts ugly pit marks in your shirts. It’s embarrassing. SWOOBS! Yada yada yada. But guess what…. Hear me out here….. Sweating does AMAZING things for your skin and the rest of your body too! Here are the 5 benefits of SWEAT!!
Obviously, the main purpose of sweat is to keep our bodies cool. Typically, people who exercise regularly will sweat sooner and more aggressively than those who don’t. Why? Because their bodies have developed a faster response to an increase in body temperature which allows them to train harder. There are honestly THOUSANDS of benefits from sweat, but let’s talk about my favorite five.
1- Sweat ZAPS ZITS
When we get hot and sweat, our pores open up and release the yucky buildup stuck inside. Research shows that sweat purges the body of toxins that clog pores and make you break out! The sweat itself isn’t bad, it’s actually just water, sodium and potassium, but the junk it pushes out is bad. Just make sure you wash your face after a good workout sesh and you’ll start to notice that not only is your skin more clear, but has a healthy, youthful glow too!
Exercise increases circulation which stimulates growth in hair follicles! YAY! And like our skin, our hair follicles are flushed and allows more space for new hair to grow. But beware, leaving the salty residue of sweat on your scalp for too long can suck up the moisture in your hair and cause excess breakage. So this one could be a good/bad depending on how often you wash your hair.
You’ve heard the phrase, “just sweat it out.” Well it’s not just a metaphor! Research shows that combining positive brain chemicals like endorphins, with an elevated body temperature, with a decrease in negative immune system chemicals can actually diminish feelings of anxiety and stress! Do you agree?? I know that when I begin my day with a workout, I am much happier, much more patient, and much more energetic and ready to take on my day. Hey, it’s a whole lot cheaper than therapy!
Sweating toxins out of your body is important to keeping your Lymphatic System clean and in tiptop shape. Avoid using antiperspirant deodorants,(try Brooke’s homemade deodorant!) and get lots of exercise! Intense cardio that gets your body bouncing is recommended to help the Lymphatic System because it boosts blood flow and heightens immunity! Sweating is a great way to combat lymphedema, an issue where lymph stays built up in the soft tissue of arms, legs and especially ankles!
Sweat glands are always excreting Dermcidin, an antimicrobial peptide that attacks any bacteria on our skin. This limits skin infections as the dermcidin bonds to the yucky bacterial colonizations on your skin and basically acts as an antibiotic protein and kills it.
There you have it! The five benefits of sweat and why the SUPER important reasons to embrace the sweat! The benefits are endless and let’s be real, don’t you just feel like a rockstar after getting your sweat on from a hard workout! Keep up the hard work! Your body is thanking you in a million different ways!
PS. My favorite SHAKER BOTTLE to help me sweat. LINKED HERE! Get 10% off code “MOMSCLOCK”
XOXO, Steff
Check out MAKING EXERCISE A HABIT post for motiavating ways to work out!